A comprehensive nourishing and revitalizing workout.


Workout details:

Kompletný workout navrhnutý na rovnomernú aktiváciu tonusu tvárového a krčného svalstva. Full workout sa skladá z warm-upu a teda naťahovania viac ako 40-tich svalov tváre s uvoľnením napätia krčných svalov a rozprúdenie krvného a lymfatického obehu v oblasti tváre a krku. Pokračujeme ručným kardiom špecializovanými kmitavými pohybmi prstov. Na rozcvičené svaly v zapätí použijeme EMS kardio tréning dvoch druhov. Po cvičení si pokožka prirodzene vylučuje toxíny a preto pleť ešte vyčistíme technológiou FaceClean. FaceUltrasonickou hlavicou svalstvo zohrejeme a doprajeme uvoľnenie, ktoré zároveň otvorí póry a pripraví pokožku na príjem vitamínov metódou intenzívneho vstrekovania FaceAirbrushom. Vpravovanie vitamínov do všetkých vrstiev pokožky zabezpečíme dlaňovými cvičebnými technikami. Na záver cvičenia póry uzatvoríme chladiacou hlavicou FaceHammer. Full Face & Neck workout je ideálny pre všetkých, ktorý navštevujú Face Workout Studio na pravidelnej báze a potrebujú dodať pružnosť a komplexnú výživu nielen tvárovej oblasti, ale aj krku.

110 €

Benefits for your face



strengthening of facial muscles


reduction of wrinkles


off and smoothing of the face


brightening and elasticity of the skin


non-invasive in-depth care

Questions and answers

Cosmetic and plastic treatments:

  • Botox application in the last 14 days
  • facial fillers in the last 30 days
  • thread lift in the last 30 days
  • other facial surgeries in the last 6 months

Dermatological problems:

  • Facial damage - for example, inflamed acne, eczema, psoriasis, herpes, broken skin, warts, burns, rosacea, long-term use of steroids that have damaged the face.

Other health problems:

  • Cancer in the area to be stimulated within 12 months of symptom relief/resolution 
  • Epilepsy
  • High susceptibility to bone cracking or severe osteoporosis
  • Heart problems (due to EMS device) - inform the trainer during the pre-workout consultation and he will choose a longer stimulating workout instead of the EMS device
  • Diabetes with loss of skin sensitivity

Other contraindications

  • Pregnancy (due to EMS device) - inform the trainer during the pre-workout consultation and he will choose a longer stimulating workout instead of the EMS device

The ideal is to be well hydrated. Make sure you don't have clothes tight around your neck before your workout. And after your workout, you can have subtly shinier skin.

EMS - Electro Myo Stimulation =

E- Electric

M- Myo (muscle) = Muscle  

S- Stimulation = Activation

 EMS, or electrical muscle stimulation, is a concept that has been used in medicine for several decades in rehabilitation and convalescence. Using weak but very frequent electrical impulses, the muscles are activated by the same principle as the body naturally activates them, but much more frequently than we are able to prove by will. It's like cardio and a face lift for your face. It activates muscle fibers, promotes blood circulation and improves the softness of the skin. The 10-minute workout rejuvenates, helps against sagging and enhances facial contours.